Fair Play Distillers Cocktail Lounge - Downtown Williamsport

  • Breweries/Distilleries/Wineries
442 William Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
  • About

    Craft cocktails include classics such as Old Fashioneds and new twists such as the Lycoming Creek Sunrise, which is made with rum, pineapple, orange, and cranberry. Snack foods, including a charcuterie plate, mixed nuts, cheese and crackers, and cheesecake, is offered at the bar.

  • Map

Printed courtesy of www.williamsport.org – Contact the Williamsport/Lycoming Chamber of Commerce for more information.
102 W. Fourth St., Williamsport, PA 17701 – (570) 326-1971 – chamber@williamsport.org